Trending: The ballad of James Franco and Lucy Clode

James Franco speaks candidly about his failed underage Instagram conquest on Live! With Kelly and Michael!

“I'm embarrassed,” James confessed on the show. “I guess I'm just a model about how social media's tricky. It's a way people meet each other today, but what I've learned is you don't know who's on the other end. I used bad judgment and I learned my

Everyone's favorite Spring Breakers star/MFA student James Franco was up to some sketchy shit two days ago. Namely, he attempted to pick up a 17-year-old girl via Instagram direct message. Here is how this tale unfolded: 

On April 1, a selfie-loving Scottish teen named Lucy apparently went to see James Franco and Chris O'Dowd in Of Mice and Men on Broadway — or, at least, waited outside the production's stage door to meet Franco and 

On April 1, a selfie-loving Scottish teen named Lucy apparently went to see James Franco and Chris O'Dowd in Of Mice and Men on Broadway — or, at least, waited outside the production's stage door to meet Franco and