Toyota To Drop Scion Brand: An Experiment Ends

A few days later I found myself at a Scion dealership in Scottsdale. Hours before, nursing a sore shoulder, I had Googled "how to buy a car." The first time around, my dad had helped me with the purchase. This time, I wanted to do it myself. According

Scion is dead — here's why (AutoComplete Ep. 4). In a surprise move, Scion is killed off by Toyota, VW's latest attempt at a Dieselgate recall, and the new engine we expect in F-150. by Brian Cooley February 4, 2016 

The announcement Wednesday that the Scion brand will be transitioning to Toyota will not impact servicing or warranties for current Scion owners on Maui, according to an official at Maui Toyota, the island's only Scion dealership. "Nothing will change

The announcement Wednesday that the Scion brand will be transitioning to Toyota will not impact servicing or warranties for current Scion owners on Maui, according to an official at Maui Toyota, the island's only Scion dealership. "Nothing will change

Soon the Scion brand will fade into memory just brands like AMC, Hudson, and Packard before it. According to Motor Trend, Scion will be absorbed back into Toyota by 2017 and Scion products will be packaged as Toyota autos. It appears that the