Toobin: Kim Davis on wrong side of history

0908-sub-kim-davis-facebook-01 Survivor frontman Frankie Sullivan is outraged Mike Huckabee carted out the freshly-freed Rowan County clerk Kim Davis to their song, "Eye of the Tiger," and we've learned the group is now 

Huckabee used the song to soundtrack Kim Davis' release from jail yesterday. Davis is the Kentucky County Clerk who, after refusing to recognize the Supreme Court's ruling and issue marriage licenses to same sex couples, 

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, flanked by Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, Attorney Mathew Staver, and her husband Joe Davis celebrates her release from the Carter County Detention center in Grayson, Kentucky, on September 8. Davis 

Comedy Central's Larry Wilmore vomited up the oft-used leftist insults of social conservatives on Tuesday's Nightly Show in a rant about Kentucky clerk Kim Davis. Wilmore hinted that her supporters were akin to the Ku Klux Klan, and mocked her

Shep Smith During Fox News' live coverage of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis' release from prison, anchor Shepard Smith suddenly spoke over the press conference to chastise Davis and those who supported her decision to