Tony Rackauckas put reputation on the line in Kelly Thomas case

Tony Rackauckas took the boldest move in his long career in 2011 when he stepped up to a podium for a news conference and laid out his case against two Fullerton police officers he accused of killing Kelly Thomas. "The public has been crying for

Ron Thomas, Kelly Thomas' father, said he was stunned by the verdict, saying he'd never seen such a miscarriage of justice. Thomas also suggested that federal authorities should look into the case. Ramos' attorney, John 

The father of Kelly Thomas told reporters Tuesday that he viewed a jury's decision to acquit two Fullerton police officers in the beating death of his son as one setback in a "prize fight" in which there are still "several rounds to go." Two former

The death of homeless, schizophrenic Kelly Thomas after a beating by two Fullerton police officers was shocking. Anyone who has seen the grainy but graphic 33-minute video of the incident must acknowledge that it is hard to square with the jury's

Two former police officers, Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli, were found not guilty this afternoon of all charges in the brutal beating death of homeless.