Tony Dungy's comments about Rams rookie Michael Sam could bring NBC …

If Tony Dungy, who occasionally acts like the self-appointed conscience of American sports, doesn't stop explaining what he meant about Michael Sam being a distraction and stop being this kind of public nuisance himself, he will eventually have to

Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but when your opinion carries as much weight as Tony Dungy's does, you have to be careful about how you wield it. The harm in what Dungy has said about Michael Sam lies not in his motivation for saying it

Former Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy says he wouldn't have drafted Michael Sam because he wouldn't want to deal with the gay factor.

It's not the NFL's fault that Dan Snyder and his Washington team continue to use and defend a blatantly racist nickname. It's also not the NFL's fault that former head coach and current TV talking head Tony Dungy said he wouldn't have drafted the NFL's

Tony Dungy thinks Michael Sam is a distraction. Maybe we should stop asking football coaches about distractions.