Tony Dungy's comments about Rams rookie Michael Sam could bring NBC …

On last night's show, Keith Olbermann took Tony Dungy to task for his comments that he "wouldn't have taken" Michael Sam because he "wouldn't want to deal with" the accompanying distractions. The great thing about this 

Tony Dungy has drawn plenty of ire for his remarks about Michael Sam and how he would not have drafted the openly gay football player because of the distraction it would have caused. The negative fallout was quick and decisive, as evidenced by this Dan 

On Monday, Tony Dungy said that Michael Sam would be a "distraction" and that he would not have drafted him because, "I wouldn't want to deal with all of it." And after his second media response (the first on Tuesday) to the 

Former Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy says he wouldn't have drafted Michael Sam because he wouldn't want to deal with the gay factor.

"Well, gay marriage and who should be on a football team have nothing to do with each other," Dungy said. "[Indy Star columnist] Bob Kravitz knows the type of locker room we had. Not everybody on that team was a Christian. Not everybody believed what I