Tony Dungy's comments about Rams rookie Michael Sam could bring NBC …

Tony Dungy insists his comments about why he wouldn't draft Michael Sam are not homophobic though he's doubling down on his claim that Sam's sexual…

Tony Dungy was always more than a football coach. At least that's what the football media told us. He has been portrayed as thoughtful, cerebral and pious. Not exactly the type central casting would send over to a producer in search of an NFL pregame

Tony Dungy insists his comments about why he wouldn't draft Michael Sam are not homophobic though he's doubling down on his claim that Sam's sexual…

Tony Dungy was always more than a football coach. At least that's what the football media told us. He has been portrayed as thoughtful, cerebral and pious. Not exactly the type central casting would send over to a producer in search of an NFL pregame

If Tony Dungy, who occasionally acts like the self-appointed conscience of American sports, doesn't stop explaining what he meant about Michael Sam being a distraction and stop being this kind of public nuisance himself, he will eventually have to