Thousands walk in Virgen de Guadalupe pilgrimage

December 12th is the annual feast day for the famed Mexican saint the Virgen de Guadalupe. Thousands are expected to flock to her shrine in Des Plaines in order to celebrate the day many Christians believe the Virgen Mary appeared to Juan Diego. On Dec 

The 12-hour walk throughout the Coachella Valley honors Our Lady of Guadalupe, a matron of the Mexican culture and a fixture of the Catholic tradition. It marks the feast of the Guadalupe on the day she appeared to Juan Diego, a Mexican peasant, on the 

December 12th is the annual feast day for the famed Mexican saint the Virgen de Guadalupe. Thousands are expected to flock to her shrine in Des Plaines in order to celebrate the day many Christians believe the Virgen Mary appeared to Juan Diego. On Dec 

December 12th is the annual feast day for the famed Mexican saint the Virgen de Guadalupe. Thousands are expected to flock to her shrine in Des Plaines in order to celebrate the day many Christians believe the Virgen Mary appeared to Juan Diego. On Dec 

December 12 marks a very significant day in Mexico, as the country prepares to honor and celebrate the Virgin Mary for Dia de la Virgen Guadalupe, in anticipation of the celebrations which will see people from all parts of Mexico make their way to