Think twice before dumping your stocks because of Greece

International Monetary Fund has confirmed it didn't receive €1.5 billion from Athens that were due by the end of June 30, Brussels time. Greece becomes the first developed country to default on its international obligations.

If the news about Greece's debt crisis has left you wondering about how the country could have gotten itself into such an economic pickle, one thing is clear — it didn't happen overnight, and there's no single cause. The roots of the crisis run deep

If the news about Greece's debt crisis has left you wondering about how the country could have gotten itself into such an economic pickle, one thing is clear — it didn't happen overnight, and there's no single cause. The roots of the crisis run deep

For those who wish the Greek financial drama would come to an end sooner rather than later, and without the need for a Grexit, there is a new option on the table: Bail Greece out yourself. A crowdfunding effort has been launched on IndieGoGo, a site 

Tourists looking for a big, fat Greek bargain just might find one in the fiscally troubled country, but those deals could be tempered by hassles ranging from cash shortages to civil unrest. If Greece ditches the euro for the drachma, as is possible