The voicemail from Marco Rubio that led Christie to back Trump

Two of Jeb Bush's former top aides took to social media to blast Christie for his surprise endorsement of Donald Trump on Friday, hitting Christie as inauthentic and "pathetic." David Kochel, Bush's chief strategist, made an analogy involving a "fat

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who exited the race for the Republican presidential nomination earlier this month, endorsed current GOP front-runner Donald Trump for president on Friday, February 26. NBC News reported that Christie gave Trump his nod

Two of Jeb Bush's former top aides took to social media to blast Christie for his surprise endorsement of Donald Trump on Friday, hitting Christie as inauthentic and "pathetic." David Kochel, Bush's chief strategist, made an analogy involving a "fat

It was a subdued affair, taking place in Texas– far from his home, but closer the football team he loves. There was no marching band playing “Hail to the Chief,” no Bruce Springsteen crooning “Born in the U.S.A.” There was only a muted Donald Trump, 

Two of Jeb Bush's former top aides took to social media to blast Christie for his surprise endorsement of Donald Trump on Friday, hitting Christie as inauthentic and "pathetic." David Kochel, Bush's chief strategist, made an analogy involving a "fat