The Vernal Equinox Isn't What You Think It is

This year, the vernal equinox takes place on Sunday, March 20 at 12:30 a.m. EDT, or late in the evening on Saturday, March 19 if you live in the central (11:30 p.m.), mountain (10:30 p.m.) or pacific (9:30 p.m.) time zones. At this time, the sun is

Literally translated, “Vernal Equinox” means “spring is here.” According to my humble research, March 20 is usually the 79th day of the year, but, as in this year, during leap years it is the 80th. I also found that an equinox is defined as “An

Tomorrow is the vernal equinox! You might think that it's simply the mid-point between each solstice, but that's not exactly correct. Joe Hanson, host of It's Okay to be Smart, explains. The equinoxes aren't in the middle of the solstices, and it doesn

Sunday, March 20 is the first day of spring, which means warmer days and blossoming flowers. To help welcome the vernal equinox, celebrate with some inspiring quotes and sayings, which have been listed below: 1. "April hath put a spirit of youth in 

Tomorrow is the vernal equinox! You might think that it's simply the mid-point between each solstice, but that's not exactly correct. Joe Hanson, host of It's Okay to be Smart, explains. The equinoxes aren't in the middle of the solstices, and it doesn