The state of the union address

AS MY colleague wrote yesterday, the fact that there is virtually no chance of any of the priorities outlined in Barack Obama's State of the Union address becoming law during his administration renders the entire affair a sort of pantomime. As

AS MY colleague wrote yesterday, the fact that there is virtually no chance of any of the priorities outlined in Barack Obama's State of the Union address becoming law during his administration renders the entire affair a sort of pantomime. As

President Barack Obama delivered his annual State of the Union address on Tuesday and focused on a slew of progressive proposals he dubbed "middle class economics." Obama also announced he would ask Congress to 

Rebekah Erler is joining the First Lady as a guest at the 2015 State of the Union Address on January 20. Watch it live at 9 p.m. Eastern at

President Obama focused on economic issues, taxes and the middle class in his State of the Union address on Tuesday. He also discussed foreign policy and called for Congress to authorize the use of force against Islamic State militants. We've compiled