The power of superdelegates and campaign contributions

Gettyimages 513191734 Voters cast their ballots at the polling place at Fairfax Circle Baptist Church during Super Tuesday voting March 1, 2016 in Fairfax, Virginia. – Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images. As you look for tallies of delegates won in the Super 

There are over 700 superdelegates in the election and they do not have to adhere to the voting results. In other words, they're the gang. The races have all been close, except for South Carolina. That goes to show you that the fix is in. I believe

Clinton enjoys this large lead because of her support from superdelegates, and Sanders's supporters have, in turn, raised serious questions about the role that superdelegates play in the Democratic nomination contest. Last weekend, the New York Times 

Clinton enjoys this large lead because of her support from superdelegates, and Sanders's supporters have, in turn, raised serious questions about the role that superdelegates play in the Democratic nomination contest. Last weekend, the New York Times 

'Superdelegates', or unpledged delegates, choose who they want to support at the national conventions in July, though most go along with the decisions made in their state's primary. These delegates range from Senators to House members to members of a