The Oculus Rift needed two years to get gaming right

Oculus is holding a very special event today in San Francisco simply called "Step into the Rift," and it's presumed to be, at long last, the unveiling of the consumer version of its VR headset. There isn't much we know yet about what will happen, but

The very first thing I did in the Oculus Rift — the first thing most of us at The Verge, did, actually — was walk around a spaceship with a gamepad. It was a simpler time, when all most people expected out of VR was a cool way to play games. Now

By Ryan McCaffreyThe first-person, Gravity-esque space adventure Adr1ft has impressed us before. But recently I had a chance to play a 10-minute section while wearing the DK2 version of the Oculus Rift VR headset, and hoo-boy, was it an experience.

This is no developer kit. Oculus today gave the world the first look at its Rift consumer virtual reality headset which will ship with a wireless Xbox One controller. It also comes with a small, table-top camera on a stand that 

The very first thing I did in the Oculus Rift — the first thing most of us at The Verge, did, actually — was walk around a spaceship with a gamepad. It was a simpler time, when all most people expected out of VR was a cool way to play games. Now