The Net Neutrality Crack-Up

FCC votes to enforce net neutrality by regulating ISPs, unleashes municipal broadband. By Sam Oliver Thursday, February 26, 2015, 10:01 am PT (01:01 pm ET). The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted to regulate 

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted 3-2 in favor of adopting Chairman Tom Wheeler's net neutrality plan, establishing the most broad.

“You don't need net neutrality if you have healthy competition,” said Ot van Daalen, a privacy lawyer who helped push through the Dutch net neutrality rules. “But the U.S. has less competition than in Europe. The U.S. needs net neutrality a lot more

Senior EVP Jim Cicconi took to the company's Public Policy Blog to state its case, explaining that today's vote indicates that these net neutrality rules are yet another partisan rift within the US government. Cicconi maintains 

Million of people commented with an overwhelming majority supporting net neutrality. While companies like Netflix have come out in favor of Title II classification, ISPs and carriers (except for Sprint) have either kept silent or