The Net Neutrality Crack-Up

Back in 2010, the company angered consumer advocates by negotiating with Verizon — a net neutrality boogeyman — on a framework that would allow Internet service providers to charge content creators for zippier delivery. The plan never materialized

Using money from George Soros and liberal foundations that totaled at least $196 million, radical activists finally succeeded in ramming through “net neutrality,” or the idea that all data should be transmitted equally over the Internet. The final push

“You don't need net neutrality if you have healthy competition,” said Ot van Daalen, a privacy lawyer who helped push through the Dutch net neutrality rules. “But the U.S. has less competition than in Europe. The U.S. needs net neutrality a lot more

In today's news, the FCC approved its net neutrality plan, a "digital brothel" lets people have sex through the internet and Pebble smashes its own crowdfunding records. Read about all the top stories in today's Daily Roundup.

The FCC's adoption of tough net neutrality rules today is an important milestone in the history of what's become the national medium. But it won't end the debate over how, and how much, the government should regulate the Internet. Indeed, it might