'The Milk and Honey Route'

One would normally assume that "Mad Men" and "Game of Thrones" have little in common, aside from the fact that both are television dramas that air back-to-back on Sunday nights. But this Sunday's episodes of both series had one very similar thread: if

But last night, when the penultimate episode of "Mad Men" aired on AMC, spoilers came in the form of Instagram comments under a photo posted by one of the show's stars. (Please don't read on if you don't want to encounter 

Mad Men is predicated on said “illusions”—family, martinis, glamour, all in the service of filling the existential vacuum. It's about how we're all, in this game of life, malleable commodities shaped by a series of moments, many of which are beyond

The penultimate episode brought Mad Men where most expected it, to Big 12 country. “The Milk and Honey Route” came from a 1930 book about hobos. Each character, in his or her own way, has been a traveller in search of 

We've seen that teetering loop happen all season in Mad Men's grand swan song: going back and redoing the things, reliving and reexperiencing our mistakes, our habits. It's the very theme of the show, particularly since Don doesn't know where his