The Earth Is Faster Than a Speeding Bullet! 10 Planetary Facts for Earth Day

Dramatic Earth Day photos show devastating scenes of pollution plaguing India. Would you treat your mother this way? This year's Earth Day theme is "Green Cities," but many places on the planet are far from green. Shocking photos taken on Earth Day

Since the start of the 21st century, dozens of incoming asteroids have slammed into Earth, some of them packing far more energy than a city-destroying atomic bomb, a new animation illustrates. The visualization was released in honor of Earth Day by the 

1) Earth Day is April 22 every year. On average (jumping over leap years and such), between subsequent Earth Days our planet moves about 940 million kilometers (580 million miles), the circumference of its orbit around the Sun. That means it's faster

Since the start of the 21st century, dozens of incoming asteroids have slammed into Earth, some of them packing far more energy than a city-destroying atomic bomb, a new animation illustrates. The visualization was released in honor of Earth Day by the 

Remember when Ridley Scott asked people to record videos to be compiled into the Life in a Day movie? Bryan Pijanowski, Purdue University's Soundscape ecologist, wants to repeat the task today, but with audio rather than