The Death of Steven Sotloff

"The civilians of Aleppo are trapped in a violent stalemate, left to endure a war whose suffering and hardships grow larger with every passing day. [P]eople in Aleppo fear they are stage players in a war with no end in sight." So began Steven

In the final moments before an ISIS executioner beheaded the American journalist Steven Sotloff, the masked man offered up, in an English accent, a message to his viewers: “We take this opportunity to warn those governments that enter this evil

“I'm back, Obama, and I'm back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State.” – ISIS Terrorist in newly release execution video. Another American hostage, Steven Sotloff, has been beheaded by ISIS 

A video released on Tuesday by the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) appears to show the execution of Steven Sotloff, marking the second time in two weeks the extremist group has beheaded an American journalist.

A video released on Tuesday by the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) appears to show the execution of Steven Sotloff, marking the second time in two weeks the extremist group has beheaded an American journalist.