The Bikini Bridge to Nowhere

The Bikini Bridge — Please make a note of it. The latest fad making the rounds — the Bikini Bridge. One problem – the bridge is connected to the legs. Make a note of that. [More Bob's Blitz Babes] **Follow us on Twitter, 

When you lay down on the beach or by the pool, do your hip bones stick out enough that your bikini bottoms are slightly lifted? Enter the bikini bridge.

The latest prank by the internet /b/utthole /b/rigade seems to follow the sequence of events in the saga of obsessive social media body image trends: the bikini bridge. Listen, the bikini bridge is not a new concept/aspect of people's bodies, but in

What's a Bikini Bridge you ask? Here's the definition from Urban Dictionary: “bikini bottoms are suspended between the two hip bones, causing a space between the bikini and the lower abdomen.” Simple enough.

Bikini bridge or not, don't base your self worth and your beauty on it. Same with thigh gap. Or flat abs. Or having big boobs. Don't be superficial enough to sacrifice your happiness in attaining one of these physical attributes.