The Best Part of the World Cup Trophy Ceremony? Manuel Neuer Hugging Merkel.

Manuel Neuer's antics finally get someone hurt. By Kevin McCauley  @kevinmccauley on Jul 13 2014, 4:19p 9. BUSAIKU KNEE! That's not a foul on anyone, just an unlucky incident. Still, it really doesn't get much more brutal than this. Gonzalo Higuain is 

That's not to say that his performances alone—especially against Algeria and Brazil—didn't warrant the honor by themselves. Although you can credit many players for the Germans' success, having somebody like Neuer in goal went a long way toward

Manuel Neuer Is The Second Highest Paid Goalie Of All Time. Other than being ridiculously good looking, Manuel is very talented at his job — and he's raking in the big bucks! He is the second highest paid goalie of all time. Manuel signed a five-year

Manuel Neuer was already considered by many to be the best goalkeeper in the world. Now he can officially be considered the best goalkeeper at the 2014 World Cup after winning the Golden Glove award. Coming into the 

Not only did Manuel Neuer help Germany win the World Cup, but he also took home the coveted Golden Glove award. The 28-year-old gorgeous blond played a remarkable shutout game, which made him the prime