The 40 Seconds John Kasich Will Think About for the Rest of his Life

Other talk of LGBT rights included Kasich voicing his belief that marriage is an opposite-sex union and Texas Sen. Cruz again denouncing the Supreme Court's marriage equality decision. The moderators did not, by the way, ask Cruz about the praise he 

Only it hasn't been enough — many are begging, either in actual statements or behind closed doors, for Kasich to drop out of the race. "There is no honorable mention in the nomination. John Kasich has run a good race," said Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner

Added on 7:25 PM ET, Thu February 25, 2016. Speaking at the Fox News Republican debate, presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich defends staying in the GOP race despite low voter favorability.

A 25-person focus group appearing on Fox News following Thursday night's debate declared the winner to be Governor John Kasich – in a landslide. Of the 25 people, 18 said Governor Kasich did the best, six said Senator Ted Cruz had the strongest night 

Added on 7:25 PM ET, Thu February 25, 2016. Speaking at the Fox News Republican debate, presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich defends staying in the GOP race despite low voter favorability.