Texas Cheerleader Kendall Jones Sparks Online Outrage with African Hunting …

Unless, you are Texas Tech cheerleader Kendall Jones. She's a big game hunter — tracking down Lions, cheetahs, elephants and rhinos,killing them, and posting pictures of herself smiling next to their bodies.

Forget friends, Kendall Jones has made plenty of enemies over her numerous Facebook photos showing the Texas Tech cheerleader next to the animals she has hunted which include a lion, leopard, zebra and elephant. The outrage on the Internet has 

We are adamantly opposed to the movement to remove a Texas Tech cheerleader's Facebook pics showing her posing next to

An open letter to Kendall Jones. I've spent the last few days standing by and watching heartless people attack a 19-year-old girl for something that she never should have been attacked for. It's been making me sadder and 

The anti-hunting and politically correct police are going absolutely nuts over the fact that Facebook hasn't yet censored Texas Tech cheerleader Kendall Jones's page yet. The fact the page is still up and the photos of Kendall