Terry Richardson denies propositioning model for sex

The dirtbag of the millennium is apparently back and this time, he's allegedly slithering up to model Emma Appleton, who posted this revealing screenshot on her Instagram this afternoon. @lewisthegreat yeah, I was like 

Hysteria has once again sprung in the rainforest called , Terry Richardson fame for sex stakes as British model Emma Appleton came out over the weekend with what she insists is a Facebook message from the famed fashion 

Model Emma Appleton posted a screen shot of a private Facebook message that she allegedly received from 48-year-old photog Terry Richardson to her Twitter and Instagram accounts on April 20. The message read: “If I can f–k you I will book you in (New 

The dirtbag of the millennium is apparently back and this time, he's allegedly slithering up to model Emma Appleton, who posted this revealing screenshot on her Instagram this afternoon. @lewisthegreat yeah, I was like 

Terry Richardson might be a world-class photographer, but according to model Emma Appleton he's also a world-class creep. The British beauty posted a screen shot of her phone to Twitter and Instagram Sunday, displaying a Facebook private message from