Terry Richardson denies propositioning model for sex

Terry Richardson might be a world-class photographer, but according to model Emma Appleton he's also a world-class creep. The British beauty posted a screen shot of her phone to Twitter and Instagram Sunday, displaying a Facebook private message from 

Model Emma Appleton posted the above screenshot today. She wrote a little more about what happened while responding to people on Twitter. Um what pic.twitter.com/8PIdZeROa2 — Emma Appleton (@EmmaJAppleton) 

Model Emma Appleton tweeted a message suggesting that Richardson would not book her for a Vogue shoot unless she slept with him. Vogue spokeswoman: “We have no plans to work with him in the future.” posted on April 20, 2014 at 7:06pm EDT.

This wouldn't be the first time that Richardson's on-set behavior has sparked controversy, but it is the first time the photographer might be in real trouble this time, as British model Emma Appleton has raised the alarm about Richardson allegedly

Just in case you didn't know, Terry Richardson is a creep. Richardson has allegedly promised a model a Vogue photo shoot in exchange for sex. Model Emma Appleton tweeted (then later deleted) a screenshot of Richardson