Television pitchman Kevin Trudeau is headed to prison

Kevin Trudeau, the TV pitchman known for his books about natural cures and weight-loss remedies “they” don't want you to know about, has been sentenced to ten years in prison for contempt of court for his refusal to comply 

Kevin Trudeau is being sentenced to a long and harsh prison sentence for having misled consumers into buying his book over the TV.

Kevin Trudeau, the TV pitchman known for his books about natural cures and weight-loss remedies “they” don't want you to know about, has been sentenced to ten years in prison for contempt of court for his refusal to comply 

Kevin Trudeau, the television pitchman and author who amassed a fortune telling consumers his secrets about how to get free money, how to lose weight and how to cure a number of illnesses the natural way, is headed to 

CHICAGO — TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for bilking consumers via infomercials for his best-selling weight loss book. U.S. District Judge Ronald Guzman blasted the 50-year-old Trudeau before the sentencing, saying