Teen rejects Duke University's rejection letter — and her response goes viral

Duke University officials are trying to determine who hung a rope noose from a tree, what the president of the elite Southern school described Wednesday as a vicious symbol in a region where lynchings were once used to terrorize black residents

Michael Schoenfeld, Duke University's vice president for public affairs and government relations, and Larry Moneta, Duke vice president for student affairs, hold a brief press conference Thursday afternoon announcing that an investigation has

DURHAM – The swift discovery of the person who hung a noose at Duke University leaves questions ranging from the student's identity to what punishment the person will face. The university has begun disciplinary proceedings that could result in

At a news conference Thursday, Duke University said it has identified a student who has admitted placing a noose on campus. The noose made of yellow rope was found hanging from a tree in the Bryan Center Plaza 

At a news conference Thursday, Duke University said it has identified a student who has admitted placing a noose on campus. The noose made of yellow rope was found hanging from a tree in the Bryan Center Plaza