Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks

And Rubio's fellow contender, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, also faced a tough question a few days ago from Scott while he, too, was campaigning in Iowa, with the atheist activist asking whether Carson agrees that “God's law trumps our country's law.”.

And Rubio's fellow contender, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, also faced a tough question a few days ago from Scott while he, too, was campaigning in Iowa, with the atheist activist asking whether Carson agrees that “God's law trumps our country's law.”.

Christians who urged him to run for the Republican nomination for U.S. president. But, by the Iowa caucus, many evangelicals appeared to have deserted him for more strident rivals than the soft-spoken physician. Here are five faith facts about Ben

Montanans have spent more than $600,000 on presidential campaigns, and the financial front runner, by a long distance is Republican Ben Carson. Carson's $166,985 in Montana contributions lead the pack in 2015, according to records reported Monday by 

Ben Carson was incensed as the results of Monday night's Iowa caucuses rolled in, accusing the winner of spreading falsehoods about him at caucus sites. Carson's team claimed that Ted Cruz's campaign deliberately sent emails to supporters to spread