Teaching autistic kids to code

Tomorrow is Autism Awareness Day, by some calendars at least. The United Nations, for example made a resolution in 2007 to designate April 2nd as "World Autism Awareness Day". Resolution adopted by the General 

6 months after we arrived he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” she writes, noting that she's a registered nurse who simply wants to stay in the country and keep working, which she cannot do without her visa. “Tyrone is not a burden, he is a

Those hectic mornings can be particularly tough for Mark, who was diagnosed with autism when he was 3 years old. Almost completely non-verbal, transitioning from home to school was a challenge. Mark would compulsively flap and scream, and even 

Tomorrow is Autism Awareness Day, by some calendars at least. The United Nations, for example made a resolution in 2007 to designate April 2nd as "World Autism Awareness Day". Resolution adopted by the General 

Ryan Flinn and Rhonda Kelley change the light on their front porch to shine blue every April. Their 7-year-old daughter, Teagan, has autism, and blue is the color symbolizing autism awareness. Teagan was diagnosed at 18 months, and doesn't communicate