Pagans Mark Summer Solstice at Replica Stonehenge

Religions that treat the sun as a deity turned to the summer solstice as a holy day. Greeks celebrated their god of agriculture, Vikings planned raids and early governance around midsummer, and Plains Indians, including the Sioux, marked the occasion LONDON (AP) — Self-styled Druids, new-agers and thousands of revelers have watched the sun rise … Read more

Pagans Mark Summer Solstice at Replica Stonehenge

For us Northern Hemisphere folks, the summer solstice arrives on Saturday, June 21, at 6:51 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (that'll be 5:51 a.m. Central and 3:51 a.m. Pacific). While there's nothing quite like Stonehenge on the Eastern Seaboard, the Also known as Midsummer, Litha, or even St. John's Eve (though technically that would be Monday … Read more

Summer Solstice Explained: What's Happening In Space?

Get set for the 2014 summer solstice! The longest day of the year arrives on Saturday, June 21 at 6:51 a.m. EDT. The occasion brings celebrations across the Northern Hemisphere, from Swedes who wear wreaths and dance around maypoles to modern-day  This weekend marks the summer solstice, the official start of summer which means warm … Read more