Brooks Newmark sex scandal: How a tabloid newspaper tried to snare Tory MPs

You knew it would happen. And it did. For its 40th season premiere, Saturday Night Live went after the NFL for its various scandals involving domestic abuse. Recent domestic abuse scandals involving high-profile players including Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson have generated massive negative publicity and outrage in the US, stripping the season's opening weeks … Read more

How 'Scandal' handled a false rape accusation

Mr Newmark, who was minister for civil society, was caught sending an explicit photograph of himself to “Sophie” as part of a flirtatious exchange. Brooks Newmark MP. After the scandal emerged Mr Elphicke appeared wisely to delete his tweets to “Sophie”. Things were looking pretty good for Olivia Pope (er, Julia Baker) at the start … Read more

Ukip defection and 'sexting' scandal cause Tory chaos

But “Scandal,” as is its wont, dived right in and tackled the topic in a way that says a lot about how this fever dream of a show handles politics. The setup: Olivia Pope, back in Washington after an extended beach vacation, gets a late-night call to Columbus Short talks his TV funeral on "Scandal," … Read more

Scandal: “Randy, Red, Superfreak And Julia”

Things were looking pretty good for Olivia Pope (er, Julia Baker) at the start of “Scandal”s highly-anticipated season premiere. She was in stealth mode on a pristine beach with a very attentive Jake and a copy of “Gone Girl” by her side. But a Pope by Sooooo who's drunk? We kind of are. We've been … Read more

How 'Scandal' handled a false rape accusation

The married father of five, added that he was "so sorry”, after the scandal came to light. Mr Newmark initiated a private message conversation on a social networking website and sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley The season four premiere of 'Scandal' featured the Gladiators saying goodbye to one … Read more

Scandal: “Randy, Red, Superfreak And Julia”

Happy 'Scandal' Thursday! Olivia Pope made her return to Washington D.C. in the season four premiere, but she wasn't met with the warmest welcome. Plus, what happened to Harrison? But “Scandal,” as is its wont, dived right in and tackled the topic in a way that says a lot about how this fever dream of … Read more

Scandal Season 4 Premiere Review: We All Know How This Ends

Well, tonight Olivia Pope returns to primetime — and quite likely, let's face it, to Washington — in Scandal's Season 4 premiere. But since it's been so long, and since every Scandal episode packs more twists than a whole  A Gladiator 'scandal' pops up: A female Senator is seen with a male Senator gravely injured, … Read more

Scandal: “Randy, Red, Superfreak And Julia”

Despite rumors that the alleged cheating scandal was fabricated in order to boost ratings for Wilkinson's new show, Kendra On Top, the reality TV star admitted to Rancic that they “wished” they had done it for the ratings. Columbus Short was an actor on the hit television show Scandal. That's the question that's been on … Read more

'Scandal' Returns: Four Hopes for the Fourth Season

Thanks to his stonewalling of the House of Representatives investigation into the Fast and Furious scandal, in 2012 Eric Holder became the first Attorney General held in contempt by Congress. Maybe his resignation on Thursday will revive the story for The cast of Scandal lights up Ellen's talk show with games, fun and secrets! We … Read more