Powdered Alcohol 'Palcohol' Sounds Like An Accident Waiting To Happen

Story by CBS12 Web team. WEST PALM BEACH (CBS12) — Palcohol, or powdered alcohol, has gained federal approval, despite fears of the powder being snorted or over-used. Palcohol is simply freeze-dried alcohol packaged in a small, portable pouch. The powdered alcohol product known as Palcohol may be available on store shelves this summer. Some health … Read more

Powdered Alcohol 'Palcohol' Sounds Like An Accident Waiting To Happen

palcohol3 After reversing its initial approval of Palcohol last year, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau has once again approved the powdered alcohol product, making it likely that it could appear on shelves in  palcohol3 After reversing its initial approval of Palcohol last year, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau has … Read more

Powdered Alcohol 'Palcohol' Sounds Like An Accident Waiting To Happen

Story by CBS12 Web team. WEST PALM BEACH (CBS12) — Palcohol, or powdered alcohol, has gained federal approval, despite fears of the powder being snorted or over-used. Palcohol is simply freeze-dried alcohol packaged in a small, portable pouch. MILWAUKEE (WITI) — There's beer, and there's wine…how about “Palcohol?” Powdered alcohol, or “'Palcohol,” has been federally … Read more

Powdered Alcohol 'Palcohol' Sounds Like An Accident Waiting To Happen

A controversial powdered alcohol product called Palcohol, intended to be mixed into drinks, has gained approval from a federal agency. Palcohol first made news last spring when it briefly received the greenlight from the  Palcohol first made news last spring when it briefly received the greenlight from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, … Read more

What you may not know about the powdered alcohol, Palcohol

America's first powdered alcohol has been approved. Again. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has given the greenlight to Palcohol, a powdered alcohol that you mix with water to make, well, liquid  March 12, 2015 3:29 PM EDT – Palcohol creator Mark Phillips discusses his product, freeze-dried powdered alcohol, which has been … Read more

Palcohol powdered alcohol could be headed to a store near you

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved Palcohol's powdered vodka, rum, and other cocktails “in error,” Tom Hogue, the agency's director of congressional and public affairs, said in an email. The agency has not responded to any further  Why sip on a nice glass of scotch when you can get tipsy on salad … Read more

Feds: Powdered Alcohol Approved in 'Error'

To be fair, all that advice came from a part of the website that was "experimenting with some humorous and edgy verbiage about Palcohol". It wasn't meant to be public, and it's since been removed. They've also added "volume" to the powder to make Editor's Note: A spokesman for the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and … Read more