Frozen Niagara Falls draws tourists

These icy conditions are certainly going to make it difficult for me to complete my life long goal of going over the Falls in a barrel. The Arctic blast. It's so cold, Niagara Falls froze – An unprecedented cold front has frozen parts of Niagara Falls, drawing tourists to document the rare event. The minus … Read more

Frozen Niagara Falls draws tourists

Last week, two daredevil Canadian climbers, Will Gadd and Sarah Hueniken, attempted the impossible: scaling Niagara's 51m-high, frozen falls. And it only took them just under an hour to do it. Niagara Falls, the collective  Extreme winter weather has been causing problems for millions across the East Coast, but it has also made for some … Read more

Frozen Niagara Falls draws tourists

USA Today reports that Niagara Falls is drawing plenty of visitors who want to see the natural wonder now that low temperatures have turned much of it into an icy spectacle. The falls aren't completely frozen over, but parts are covered in ice and mist recent cold snap in Niagara have created frozen spectacle of … Read more

Frozen Niagara Falls draws tourists

Niagara Falls is one of the great wonders of the world. It is easily the most famous waterfall on the planet. Unlike the countless others who have daringly gone down the falls, world-renowned ice climber and daredevil Will  When the weather is this cold at the falls, the tremendous amount of mist generated by the … Read more