Extent of the Damage From the Nepal Earthquake

The United Nations has reported that two districts close to the epicenter, Gorkha and Lamjung, have been severely affected, but the extent has not been fully assessed because transportation networks have been crippled. Jamie McGoldrick, resident  Tens of thousands of Nepalese who spent the night under a chilly sky were jolted awake by strong aftershocks … Read more

Extent of the Damage From the Nepal Earthquake

Map of the main earthquake and the first 26 aftershocks over M2.5; larger circles indicate larger magnitude earthquakes. Check for live updates here. Image credit: USGS. Nepal is located on the convergent zone in the  M5.0 – 51km SSE of Jumla, Nepal. 2015-04-21 14:02:19 (UTC) 28.846°N82.389°E Location. Data Source US1 Map showing extent (w,s,e,n) = … Read more

Extent of the Damage From the Nepal Earthquake

The best place to get up-to-date information about HOT's response is via the HOT 2015 Nepal Earthquake wiki coordination page. Here you can find mapping tasks that are currently in progress, select a region, and start  Dr. Tom Robinson – earthquake-induced landslide model – Nepal Quake (http://ewf.nerc.ac.uk/2015/04/25/nepal-earthquake-likely-areas-of-landsliding/) – Click on the map to watch it … Read more