Donald Trump Calls Mitt Romney 'Irrelevant' 'Choke Artist'

Donald Trump unleashed a tirade against Mitt Romney at his campaign rally this afternoon in Portland, Maine, saying the former presidential candidate held back from running this time around because of him. “So when Mitt started raising his head a few  House Speaker Paul Ryan repeatedly declined to attack GOP front-runner Donald Trump today, but … Read more

Support Waning, Romney Decides Against 2016 Bid

Mitt Romney AP/David Goldman. This weekend, a select group of Republican presidential hopefuls will arrive in southern California to attend one of Charles and David Koch's biannual donor retreats, a coveted invite for GOP  Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced today that he will not be seeking the party's nomination for the 2016 election, … Read more

Support Waning, Romney Decides Against 2016 Bid

Mitt Romney has formally shut the door on running for president in 2016. "After putting considerable thought into making another run for president, I've decided it is best to give other leaders in the party the opportunity to  Mitt Romney decided last weekend that he would not run for president a third time in 2016. … Read more