Flight 370: Storm of emotions over lives 'lost' as storm at sea delays search

(CNN) — Monday's announcement by Malaysia's Prime Minister acknowledging that missing Flight 370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean opens the door to a big question: How did new number crunching confirm the Boeing 777's path? Now we know for sure (CNN) — Monday's announcement by Malaysia's Prime Minister acknowledging that missing Flight 370 ended … Read more

Flight 370: Storm of emotions over lives 'lost' as storm at sea delays search

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CNN) — For families whose loved ones were aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, the past day has been full of news they were dreading. First, a grim-faced .. How 'groundbreaking' number crunching found path of Flight 370. (WDRB) — Searchers have found the wreckage of a plane that went missing after … Read more

Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane: New Debris Located in Search for Jet

Some trace of the passion that Zaharie Ahmad Shah had for flying can be found in the trail of email exchanges and online message board posts that detail the Malaysia Airlines pilot's construction of a state-of-the-art flight simulator at home. Now the Updates: 3.03pm GMT. Here's a summary of the latest developments: • Australia's maritime … Read more

Nations Start to Collaborate in the Search

Nothing had been found by Saturday morning local time, two weeks after the plane disappeared. Photo. This handout from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority shows the satellite images of the two objects that officials say could possibly be related On Wednesday, Fox News' Bill Hemmer was discussing the mystery of the plane, which went missing … Read more