The Marco Rubio-Carly Fiorina Option

Marco Rubio discussed his own relationship with immigration, particularly his grandfather, who came to the United States after escaping Cuba in the 1960's. The presidential candidate went on to discuss why he responds to questions in Spanish. He says Marco Rubio Says He's Not A Climate Skeptic. "America is not a planet." Headshot of Kate … Read more

Marco Rubio presses foreign policy creds at Republican debate

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. – Marco Rubio was among the few standouts during Wednesday night's Republican debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. The junior senator from Florida made the most of his moments in the spotlight  Marco Rubio discussed his own relationship with immigration, particularly his grandfather, who came to the … Read more

Marco Rubio Has the Right Ideas, and More

Nicki Minaj is one step closer to twerking in the Rose Garden now that Sen. Marco Rubio — perhaps her most… Perhaps the biggest question Marco Rubio's nascent presidential campaign faces is whether conservatives will forgive him for spear-heading comprehensive immigration reform in 2013. And one very well-known conservative has. On his radio show Tuesday,  … Read more

Marco Rubio Has the Right Ideas, and More

Marco Rubio (R-Florida) walked off the stage to the tune of "Something New" by the Swedish musical duo Axwell and Ingrosso. However, Axwell and Ingrosso told Business Insider that Rubio did not ask to use their song and  “Everybody likes Marco Rubio,” said Iowa conservative radio host Steve Deace, a nationally syndicated commentator. But “I … Read more

Marco Rubio Has the Right Ideas, and More

Three years after Mitt Romney tried and failed, Marco Rubio could become our first Mormon president — at least, if you want to get really technical about it. No, Rubio doesn't consider himself Mormon anymore, but he was baptized into the Church of Three years after Mitt Romney tried and failed, Marco Rubio could become … Read more

Why Marco Rubio couldn't say no

With Marco Rubio set to make his presidential run official later today, here's a reminder of why he's considered a formidable candidate for the GOP nod. Other than Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Rubio scores the highest among Republican primary voters Marco Rubio issued a headline-grabbing proclamation: The Florida Republican said he would jettison the immigration … Read more