Lindsay Lohan Bill Controversy: Restaurant Furious After Actress & Her Friends …

0526-lindsay-lohan-tmz-03 Lindsay Lohan is about to pull off something we were prepared to bet money against. It looks like she'll complete all of her community service by Thursday's deadline but just barely. Lindsay Lohan has a new set of excuses to justify her anemic community service performance — she's completed less than 10 of the … Read more

Lindsay Lohan: Elton John Quoted In Legal Docs For Defamation Lawsuit

However, as the hefty bill was placed on the table, staff claim Lindsay and her friends had fled without paying up for their expensive feast. The source added: ''Everyone, including Lindsay, split without paying!'' But determined restaurant staff spent Lindsay Lohan lacked the traditional swimming attire known as a "bathing suit," but decided to jump … Read more

Lindsay Lohan: Miscarriage interrupted 'Lindsay' filming

Lindsay Lohan shocked viewers on the final episode of her self-titled reality show when the troubled actress revealed she had suffered a miscarriage. It was a dramatic moment that capped the controversial series on Oprah  A miscarriage, relapse, and floundering career aren't enough to keep Lindsay Lohan occupied. Now, she's meddling in other people's drama! … Read more