Katie Hopkins: I hope my son is gay

The singer's appearance on "The Graham Norton Show" in February apparently inspired British TV personality and The Sun columnist Katie Hopkins to tweet, "Jesus, what happened to Kelly Clarkson? Did she eat all of her  Katie Hopkins has called herself a gay icon, and now she hopes her son is homosexual because it would make … Read more

Katie Hopkins: I hope my son is gay

Controversy-monger Katie Hopkins has claimed she “hopes” her eight-year-old son will be gay. The former Celebrity Big Brother star told QX Magazine of her 8-year-old Maximillian: “Is my son gay? I kinda hope he is. “Everybody with a gay son is much AFTER Kelly Clarkson's appeared on The Graham Norton Show in February displaying a … Read more

Katie Hopkins continues her attack on Kelly Clarkson

AFTER Kelly Clarkson's appeared on The Graham Norton Show in February displaying a fuller figure, Katie Hopkins took to Twitter to jokingly ask if the US star had. She has been roundly criticized for her rude and inappropriate comments about Kelly Clarkson's weight on Twitter. And now Katie Hopkins has taken her onslaught even further, … Read more

Katie Hopkins Defends Kelly Clarkson 'Fat' Comments

EastEnders actor and all-round geezer Danny Dyer did not back down when Katie Hopkins started trolling him on Twitter today. EastEnders actor and all-round geezer Danny Dyer did not back down when Katie Hopkins started trolling him on Twitter today. SHE'S famous for her acerbic comments about pretty much anyone in the limelight and it … Read more

Katie Hopkins Defends Kelly Clarkson 'Fat' Comments

Katie Price thanks Katie Hopkins for being such a 'big fan'. Katie Price thanks Katie Hopkins for being such a 'big fan' and giving her free publicity on new episode of Reality Bites. See how urine is being turned into Read More · 2:31min · Shane But, despite poking fun at herself after posting the … Read more

Kelly Clarkson responds to Katie Hopkins fat jibes

Katie Price reckons Katie Hopkins has become obsessed with her since leaving the Celebrity Big Brother house – because all she does it talk about her. The mum-of-five found a temporary peace with her former rival while in the Celebrity Big Brother It's not like Katie Hopkins to wade in and set out to wreck … Read more