FIRST DAY OF AUTUMN 2014: Google Doodle reflects how inspired fall artists …

The great sandstone monoliths at Stonehenge in southern England are said to mark the autumn and spring equinoxes, as well as the summer and winter solstices, the longest and shortest days of the year respectively. Many historians believe the massive  Actually, it's the first full day of autumn. The autumnal equinox took place last night … Read more

FIRST DAY OF AUTUMN 2014: Google Doodle reflects how inspired fall artists …

Funnel clouds and 50-mph wind gusts are possible tonight for the Orlando area as storms roll through Central Florida. A flood advisory also has been issued for the Orlando area as scattered showers and thunderstorms are expected to continue throughout  Druids and Pagans also observe the autumn equinox as a cardinal point on the 'Wheel … Read more