DMV to Provide Update on Computer Upgrades

Jamie Moxham, the Democratic candidate for county clerk, has been urging people to renew registrations locally rather than mailing renewals to the state Department of Motor Vehicles or using the DMV's website. When renewals are handled directly by the  In October 2013, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky), slandered all state motor vehicle departments when … Read more

County, DMV to help inmates to get ID cards

“Unfortunately, at that time the state Department of Motor Vehicles interpreted this law as requiring a payment of $12.50 to amend a veteran's license. The NYS Association of County Clerks successfully fought for legislation in  Waiting at the Department of Motor Vehicles has to be one of the most hateful and mind-numbing wastes of precious … Read more

California Assembly OKs Bills Boosting Voter Registration at DMV

On Sunday night, seven DMV investigators who are familiar with documents both in-state and out-of-state were stationed at the ID checkpoint set-up by the Saratoga Performing Arts Center to confirm the age of all patrons wishing to buy alcohol at the event. SAN DIEGO — A former DMV official who admitted setting aside DUI suspensions … Read more

California Assembly OKs Bills Boosting Voter Registration at DMV

“The DMV shouldn't be profiting off of information we are legally required to give them. This information should be used solely for services such as safety recalls. We don't know who is purchasing this information, if there is a bidding process, or Illinois is considering automatic voter registration through the state's DMV, an unobjectionably good … Read more

Readers weigh in with most painful DMV stories

And now a top Republican senator — a member of the Transportation Committee — has introduced a bill that would give motorists the option of sharing their information, requiring the DMV get their consent before disseminating personal information Customers could soon be seeing a $1 fee at the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles as the … Read more