Group Rallies In Support Of Darren Wilson, Police Officer Who Shot Michael Brown

Photos from Darren Wilson's father,, John Wilson's Facebook page, and the Ferguson City Council meeting minutes confirm the award. "Very proud of my son, Darren Wilson on his receiving a Commendation from his Police Department," posted John Wilson. There are dark blue undercover police cars parked outside the house of Darren Wilson, 28, the police … Read more

Group Rallies In Support Of Darren Wilson, Police Officer Who Shot Michael Brown

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson announced Friday morning that the officer who fatally shot unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown is Darren Wilson. At a news conference in Ferguson, Missouri, Jackson said Wilson has been a Ferguson police officer for  Already the public has learned officer Darren Wilson is a six-year police veteran. Four of those years … Read more

Yahoo! News Publishes Photos of Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson

Ferguson's police department hasn't shared much about officer Darren Wilson, who they say shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown on Saturday. But USA Today visited Wilson's home today in Crestwood,  There's more than one Darren Wilson who works in St. Louis-area law enforcement, however — and if you Googled “Darren Wilson police” immediately after … Read more

Yahoo! News Publishes Photos of Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson

The police officer who fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown has been revealed. In a press conference on Aug. 15, police identified officer Darren Wilson as the one who shot and killed Michael. Ferguson, Missouri police identified Darren Wilson as the police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager last weekend. Authorities had withheld the … Read more

Officer Darren Wilson: Photo Of Mike Brown's Killer Surfaces

Ferguson's police department hasn't shared much about officer Darren Wilson, who they say shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown on Saturday. But USA Today visited Wilson's home today in Crestwood,  Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Friday the officer's name is Darren Wilson. Jackson said earlier this week he wasn't naming the officer due … Read more