Go Ahead, Sing 'Auld Lang Syne' Badly Tonight

Today is New Year's Day and usually by this point in the holiday season I have already heard Dan Fogelberg's "Same Auld Lang Syne" at least once. Sadly that hasn't been the case this year so I pulled this up today. I remember hearing it as a little Hermantown goaltender Luke Olson (32) blocks a … Read more

Go Ahead, Sing 'Auld Lang Syne' Badly Tonight

If you're among the millions with a sweet tooth for chicken chain Chick-fil-A's sugary cole slaw, you have 18 days left to get your hands on it. Unless you want to make it yourself. IMAGE: Chick-fil-A's cole slaw. Cole slaw will vanish from Chick-fil-A If I had a penny for every time I referred to … Read more

Go Ahead, Sing 'Auld Lang Syne' Badly Tonight

If you're among the millions with a sweet tooth for chicken chain Chick-fil-A's sugary cole slaw, you have 18 days left to get your hands on it. Unless you want to make it yourself. IMAGE: Chick-fil-A's cole slaw. Cole slaw will vanish from Chick-fil-A Should old acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind? Should old … Read more

Go Ahead, Sing 'Auld Lang Syne' Badly Tonight

If you're among the millions with a sweet tooth for chicken chain Chick-fil-A's sugary cole slaw, you have 18 days left to get your hands on it. Unless you want to make it yourself. IMAGE: Chick-fil-A's cole slaw. Cole slaw will vanish from Chick-fil-A If you're among the millions with a sweet tooth for chicken … Read more

What on earth does 'Auld Lang Syne' mean?

Here is one way to say goodbye to 2014: Play "Auld Lang Syne" by spinning 57 tequila-filled bottles in a hand-cranked carousel next to re-engineered Shop-Vac connected to a gramophone. The result is what tequila brand  We all know the first line of Auld Lang Syne. Most people murmur their way through the rest of … Read more

Why Do We Sing 'Auld Lang Syne' For The New Year?

guy-lombardo2 This tradition is mostly thanks to Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadian Band. While their work is largely unknown to those born in the last few decades, the band has sold over 300 million records to date. Whatever the year before was like, whatever disappointment, sadness, joy, anticipation, regret or gratitude filled the 12 … Read more

Why Do We Sing 'Auld Lang Syne' For The New Year?

Here are my favorite alternate versions of the Robert Burns classic, Auld Lang Syne.Vocals by Susan McKeown, bass by Lindsey Horner.And here's Highland Heartbeat:Lyrics:Should old acquaintance be forgot and never  It is the simple Scottish folk song that has stormed the world. To mark the New Year, the unmistakable strains of Auld Lang Syne will … Read more