Sweet Potato Casserole Supreme

Have you tried this Browned Butter Sweet Potato Casserole yet? I originally shared this recipe Nov. 14, 2012 but I wanted to update the photos as well as r.

Have you tried this Browned Butter Sweet Potato Casserole yet? I originally shared this recipe Nov. 14, 2012 but I wanted to update the photos as well as r.

Sweet potatoes made sweeter with orange juice, brown sugar and nutmeg. Topped with marshmallows and baked.

While sweet potato casserole topped with marshmallows may just be the most damn American dish to ever come about, it's also one of the most divisive. People either love its sugary embrace or despise it. If you have ever invited a non-American friend

Mmmmmm! Sweet potatoes topped with creamy marshmallows.