Supporters gather to defend Bundy ranch in Nevada, FAA enacts no-fly zone

So Reid knows damn well what is going on at the Bundy Ranch and could stop the BLM Gestapo cold. – It turns out Brightsource is also a big Reid contributor. See how this works? Hundreds of thousands of acres set aside to 

William La Jeunesse brought us the latest this morning on the standoff between a Nevada rancher and the federal government. The dispute centers on cattle belonging to 68-year-old Cliven Bundy.

Cliven Bundy – the “last rancher in Clark County, Nevada” – has since 1993 refused to pay fees to the federal government for the right to raise cattle on land his family has ranched since the 1870s, according to the Washington Free Beacon. After years

The tension between federal agents and the people defending Cliven Bundy's ranch has broken into violence. One protester was tased multiple times, including once in the neck. Bundy also tearfully thanks his supporters: "I love you people, and I love

As RT reported earlier this week, hundreds of armed agents with the United States Bureau of Land Management and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have descended on the Clark County, Nevada ranch of 67-year-old Cliven Bundy to execute the