Sundar Pichai​, New CEO of Google: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

With Sundar Pichai, 43, being named chief executive officer of Google today, and Satya Nadella heading Microsoft, Indians are now poised to dominate the upper echelons of the technology giants as well. As heads of Microsoft and Google, Nadella and 

Newly appointed Google CEO Sundar Pichai joined Google, around the time it went public in 2004. WSJ's Dan Gallagher looks at how he rose to become the company's CEO. Editor Picks. 1:04 Up Next. Jeb Bush on Islamic State and Foreign Policy.

Sundar Pichai — the 43 year old Indian American — is Google's new CEO. Google or, in the words of John Micklethwaite and Adrian Wooldridge, Googlezilla, is a vast behemoth — a networked firm — a mutated successor to the likes of erstwhile General 

Google opened up a can of alphabet soup on Monday when it announced that the company will be completely restructured and renamed. Google is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alphabet, the new company that will 

Sundar Pichai — the 43 year old Indian American — is Google's new CEO. Google or, in the words of John Micklethwaite and Adrian Wooldridge, Googlezilla, is a vast behemoth — a networked firm — a mutated successor to the likes of erstwhile General