Strong Earthquake Hits Los Angeles (Video)

For their West Coast broadcasts, NBC's Today and CBS This Morning both led with news of the earthquake before segueing into coverage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Local station KABC, meanwhile, preempted Good Morning America to stick with local 

The quake's magnitude was 4.4 and it was centered 15 miles west-northwest of the downtown civic center, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. USGS seismologist Robert Graves called it a typical Southern California quake of moderate magnitude and 

Posted on Mar 17, 2014. |. Earthquake Today – A moderate earthquake rattled dishes and bolted Southern Californians out of bed Monday morning. The magnitude-4.4 earthquake had initially been rated at 4.7, but was 

You know I realize that was kind of comical looking but there are heavy lights hanging over the heads of those anchors and diving under the desk like cowards could have been the only thing that saved their lives. It kind of 

The quake's magnitude was 4.4 and it was centered 15 miles west-northwest of the downtown civic center, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. USGS seismologist Robert Graves called it a typical Southern California quake of moderate magnitude and