Striking Out ALS: Ice Bucket Challenge Brings Flood of Donations

In order to raise awareness of ALS, Peter King of Sports Illustrated took the "Ice Bucket Challenge," and enlisted the help of Minnesota's Everson Griffen to do so.

Braun tagged three of his teammates to complete the challenge: Jonathan Lucroy, Kyle Lohse and Carlos Gomez. The “Ice Bucket Challenge” raises money to fight ALS — or Lou Gehrig's Disease. On Sunday, August 10th, 

If you've logged onto Facebook, Twitter or Instagram this week, chances are your newsfeeds have been flooded with videos of people dumping buckets of ice water on their heads. No, your friends aren't doing this to cool down from hot summer temperatures.

Braun tagged three of his teammates to complete the challenge: Jonathan Lucroy, Kyle Lohse and Carlos Gomez. The “Ice Bucket Challenge” raises money to fight ALS — or Lou Gehrig's Disease. On Sunday, August 10th, 

Matt Ryan, Roddy White, Harry Douglas and a handful of other NFL athletes completed the Ice Bucket Challenge to spread ALS awareness. Torrey Smith dumped ice over himself on Saturday. Watch.