Still Need a 2014 Calendar? Win “The Year in Space” Wall Calendar

Melissa Callahan, Chicago taxi driver and creator of the Chicago Cabbie 2014 calendar, chats about the conception and development of the sexy calendar.

Thursday, JAN. 2. Walking club, for fitness and better health, co-sponsored by Sibley Memorial Hospital. 8:30-9:30 a.m. Thursdays and most Tuesdays except Jan. 7, Mazza Gallerie, 5300 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Free. 202-364-7602. Participants react after 

So here's a list of helpful information, quirky facts and other things you may want to know about the new calendar as January 2014 gets under way, all followed by a listing of when major holidays will fall this year. Though the new year of the Chinese

Happy New Year to all readers. Look at the calendar above and you can now see some pro races appearing with the Tropicale Amissa Bongo in Gabon and the Tour de San Luis in Argentina before the World Tour season […]

Happy New Year friends!! Today I'm sharing a free printable 2014 calendar to help you organize the new year! You'll want to come back tomorrow too because I'll be sharing a family planner chock-full of free printables!