Stephen Colbert's 10 Greatest Moments on The Daily Show

One's first reaction to the ascension—or descent—of Stephen Colbert to the helm of the CBS program soon to be formerly known as “Late Show with David Letterman” is grief: uncomprehending, possibly inconsolable grief. Why? Because, according to more 

The world is all atwitter—particularly the world of Twitter—about Stephen Colbert being named the heir to David Letterman's late night throne on The Late Show. For the last several years, we've been able to enjoy Colbert as an over-the-top blowhard

CBS said Thursday that Stephen Colbert will succeed David Letterman as the host of The Late Show when the latter retires next year. The five-year agreement between CBS and Colbert was announced by Leslie Moonves, 

With haste and impeccable taste, CBS has picked the best possible candidate to replace retiring legend David Letterman. Hiring Stephen Colbert, whose agile mind, insanely quick wit and impressive interviewing skills will fit 

That's because Fallon is not the only triple threat in town – Colbert (who will be ditching his ultraconservative alter ego when he takes on the new gig) has some serious singing skills. We're talking Broadway serious. Here's Colbert on stage at the